Monday, November 10, 2008

EDM 310 Podcast

Picture of Bridget Hall, Susan Smith and Angela Minish during their podcast
Well guys we did pretty good on these podcast. We even sounded like we knew what we were talking about. I say hats off to everyone!!!! If you would like to listen to the podcast I selected just click on the highlighted topic.

However, it is a requirement that I must critic. So, I'll start with my own. I was joined with Susan Smith and Angela Minish in a discussion about ACCESS. The podcast answered the questions, what is ACCESS, how does it work and how does it impact the classroom. The podcast was very informing, however got a little to wordy. I think it could be improved with more discussion about ACCESS among all three, a more back and forth discussion. But, we did pretty darn good!!!

Kimberly, Brooke and Ashley talk about BloggingI chose two other blogs from Ms. Averitt's EDM 310 class both concerning Blogging and Blogging Experiences. Kimberly, Brooke and Ashley informed us about Blogging. They explained what a blog is, how they may be used and discussed blogs they found useful. They did a great job, but againKeller, Rachael and Joye talk about Blogging Experiences I must admit that more back and forth discussion would have made the conversation more interesting. Rachael, Keller and Joye talked about their Blogging Experiences. They were the first of the class to present their podcast and were a hard act to follow. I recall everyone looking at one another with that OMG look on their faces. There were a few bumps in the podcast, little stutters, but overall was very informative and interesting. Good job!!

Ashley Denson, Sandy Presley and Robyn Terry talk about Burp Back EducationI had to listen to the "Burp Back Education" podcast, since I'm not a real big fan of it either. Ashley Denson, Sandy Presley and Robyn Terry did a great job on discussing the pros and cons of Burp Back Education. They explained that burp back is passive learning, a memorization game. I agree that students must be "inspired rather than required" as stated in the podcast. They also had a few stutters and bumps but overall did a good job. Just a little to many giggles during the podcast.


KML said...

Awww. Thanks for listening to our pod cast! I listened to y'all's and I like the fact that you have such a prominent accent. It connects the pod casts with a person, not just a voice coming out of a box.

Angela Minish said...

Great job Bridgett. We did do pretty darn good!!!!
Angela M

Jennifer Averitt said...

Excellent self assessment. For us "southern ladies" we just can not help that accent!

Kelsey Volz said...

Great Job!!! I really enjoyed listening to your podcast and listening to your accent..

Susan Smith said...

Great Job Bridget