For my access lab visit I chose Millry High School. I had two reasons for choosing Millry: 1 - I am a graduate of Millry High School and 2 - I wanted to compare the school from then (1992) until now. Wow, was I amazed at the advance in technology at the school. I remember having only one computer lab with about 15 computers max, that had the monologue screens. Now they have two computer labs equipped with 30 computers each and an ACCESS lab equipped with a laptop for each student.
I was greeted by one of my former math teachers Coach Odom, whom is now the

principle at Millry High School. He escorted me to the ACCESS Lab and as I entered my jaw dropped. This technology was beyond what I had imagined. As I walked into the room I saw two huge what appeared to be plasma TVs on either end of the room, with cameras above them. It is my understanding that through this technology teachers can teach remotely and still interact with the class. In addition there is a smart board which I found to be the coolest educational technology tool I have ever witnessed. Mr. Odom then directed me to a metal box setting near the door. This box contained laptops for the studen

ts participating in the lab. He informed me that the total cost of the lab was around $87,000. However, through a state program the school only had to pay $2,000 of that amount, due to furniture expenses. At this time the lab is not being used, but beginning January 2009 it will be in full swing.
Mr. Odom and I then walked across campus to the computer lab. In the lab, stu

dents take web-based courses offered through ACCESS. I was then introduced to Ms. Pam Clarke the technology teacher at the school. She informed me that 11 students were taking courses through ACCESS, 9 students are taking psychology as an elective and 2 are taking physical science for regular credit. Ms. Clarke expressed how pleased she was about the students performance in the classes offered and was excited about being able to offer more through interaction in January 2009. Ms. Clarke herself will be trained to teach an interactive class through ACCESS.
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